Medical Surveillance (OHSA)

Medical Surveillance (OSHA)
Medical Surveillance (OHSA) admin August 19, 2021
About medical surveillance (OSHA)

Medical surveillance is the systematic assessment of employees exposed or potentially exposed to occupational hazards. This assessment monitors individuals for adverse health effects and determines the effectiveness of exposure prevention strategies. A medical surveillance program includes the analysis of both individual and aggregate surveillance data over time, with the goal of reducing and ultimately preventing occupational illness and injury.

Individuals are examined by a Preventive PLUS physician on regular intervals and the content of the exam is determined by legislative mandate (OSHA), by agency recommendations (NIOSH), the nature of the chemical hazard, the biological material, or the physical agents to which they are exposed as part of their work assignment.

medical surveillance

With OSHA - we have the experience

If your business relies on compliance with OSHA standards, we have extensive experience. With Preventive PLUS, you can rest easy knowing that your medical monitoring programs are being managed by a board certified occupational physian. We have extensive experience within heavily regulated industries and are here to streamline your medical surveillance processes with the view of keeping the associated costs under control by ensuring your company’s compliance. This will boost on-the-job performance and reduce liability from injuries and accidents. The Preventive PLUS Medical Surveillance Programs provide better protection from citations and litigation which provides tighter controls on your year-to-year Medical Surveillance budget.
Full comprehension of your industry

We understand that many highly specialised jobs have varying health and safety concerns within industries such as the oil & gas exploration thru to environmental clean-up, for example industries that require personal protection equipment, make use of heavy labor and have exposure to hazardous materials and other hazards. The Preventive PLUS team has a full comprehension of your industry and can provide the right in-depth testing for your employees and knows how to take care of them.

Medical surveillance OSHA program overview

Medical surveillance is the evaluation of the physical and emotional status of workers exposed to potential health hazards without respect to the duration of contact. Individuals are examined by a Preventive PLUS physician on regular intervals and the content of the exam is determined by legislative mandate (OSHA), by agency recommendations (NIOSH), the nature of the chemical hazard, the biological material, or the physical agents to which they are exposed as part of their work assignment.

  1. Baseline
  2. Periodic
  3. Return to duty
  4. Termination of duty

Personal Medical History
Occupational History
Review of Body Systems
Exposure History
Social History

Height, weight, pulse, blood pressure
Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
Chest-heart and lungs
Abdomen-liver, spleen, kidney and hernia
Musculoskeletal system
Extremities-strength, range of motion
Genitourinary System, testicular for males
Neurological-mental status, cranial nerves, motor and sensory, and reflexes
Breast for females*
*Components of the exam may be omitted at the patient’s request.

Audiometric Testing
Laboratory Analysis
Vision Testing
Pulmonary Function Testing
Stress Testing
Chest X-ray

A certification for exposure to hazardous materials, respiratory use and any restrictions will be provided to the Company. A report of the results, comments and recommendations will be provided to the examinee.